Less than 2 hours with 3 kids...Disaster. I didn't eat. Nothing was cleaned up until MUCH later... Notice the trail of dirty diapers and mayhem. It could be worse, but they were only here a short time...Imagine if I had 3 kids all the time! Yikes!
Oh, Isabella. Ain't she cute! Seems my niece has the same shoe passion as my daughter! Great. We need to purchase stock in Payless Shoes ASAP!
She looks so old! Talia is growing out her hair "for a ponytail," so what does she do when I FINALLY get a decent looking ponytail? Takes it out in less than 2 minutes.. (That's less than the time it took no-hairdo-making-skills mama to do it!
Ever wonder what goes through a kid's mind....Talia's been playing with our old digital camera and taking some interesting shots...the world does look different at 3 feet!
Talia is growing her hair out to wear a ponytail..This is a test run...It lasted maybe 20 minutes.
Amber poses for the camp camera... Don't I look like I was born to ride? This guy came back and said "You...on the bike..." I had to comply! Obviously he didn't think my first guy drove fast enough to satisfy me...