Joy and I teaching a WeeHands baby sign language class. We use songs and ASL signs to help hearing parents communicate with their babies in the early years. We've just started but already the hearing people we've met are showing a great appreciation for ASL. We hope that people will get so excited about signing that they go on to take classes and maybe we'll even spark some interest in future interpreters!
Talia had so much fun with Tori today at the wedding.
Brenda and me...Finally we got a good picture!
Mike Jr and I at Mike and Lori's wedding. We have a new member in the HWODH Club (Hearing Wives of Deaf Husbands)...
Talia and Mommy...rare shot...Usually I am taking the pictures.
No, Talia isn't shrinking...We just hung out with the world's largest boy at Edventure.
Fireman TaTa ready for action.
And doing the weather...She's not even as tall as Charleston!
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Super fly! No fear!
Higher Nona! High tallll
Talia walked out of Nona's house and said "There's a talking chicken!" I immediately thought the red neck neighbors were either doing something weird or had rented a giant chicken for the kids to use. Nothing. Finally we heard the talking was a squirrel fussing at Nona's cat. They are loud little creatures, and they do sound like a chicken!
Talia said, "I want a kiss." Isabella knew exactly what she wanted and puckered up. Earlier that evening at Grandma's house, Talia said "She's my baby..." Elias responded "She's MY baby." Talia said, "Can we share?" He agreed....