Saturday, January 19, 2008
Adoption News
Not much to report except we are starting to collect for a massive (I hope) garage sale in early March. Also, we've had a couple of offers to show our profile to a birthmom. One woman in Missouri has ours (and we'll only hear if she chooses us) and another we turned down because of her excessive alcohol use for 21 weeks of the pregnancy. Soooo, I am still encouraged. I don't even mind getting offers that we turn down because something is happening. I think I'd feel more desperate if we only got an offer once every 2 months. So, all is good. The "might have a baby in 6 weeks" scare we had in December has us talking about names and where the baby will sleep, etc. That is probably a good thing. And I think I've figured out how to feed a newborn formula at night without a lot of hassle (now if only the babe will cooperate).
Circus-Part 1
So, we went to the circus. It was so much fun. I only say that except back in college I protested the treatment of the animals by the circus. So, I have to assume in this day and age that their treatment of the animals has to be more humane, but even Thursday night as we were walking to the circus there were two protesters. So, maybe I need to do some research. So, those were my thoughts as I truely had a great time watching everything. Here is part one of some of the better pictures! Kudos to Jantzen because I was able to play with the ISO and the other setting (1/200, 1/20, etc) and get some better-than-I-would-normally-get pictures.

Circus-Part 2
We Heart IKEA
Something about Mary
Okay. So I bought this new hair stuff from Pantene. I love it. Cheap and it gives a little hold to my hair without requiring hairspray. So, on our close, family dinner when we were all sitting around, full of good dinner and love, I run my hands through my hair. It wasn't until (my sister says) 10 minutes later that someone finally tells me that this was occuring. Nice. Nice family.
Monday Night Family Dinner NIght
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Not cooperating
Jan 1, 2008 Lunch at Grandma Catherines
So, today I have completed almost 80 million things. The house does not look like that, but I've gotten some major work done. I've typed letters promoting Sign4Me, Baby! sign language business and made a flier to send to every home in the Midlands (kidding). I've unpacked and repacked house items and toys. I've rearranged some storage areas. I've posted some items for sale on Etsy (what a stinking long process) and on I've washed 4 loads of class and made soup. I'm sure there's more....
This week was busy-so busy I couldn't even return my friend Amanda's phone call. That is not a good week. Tuesday I got the first year's payment for achieving National Board certification!!!! $7, 200.00!!! You might think we are rolling in the money, but we just wanted to try to pay off as much of our debt as we could. I found out in November that I got the certification (I'm a National Board Certified Teacher of Exceptional Students Birth-age 21)-on the first try! I knew the money was coming, and Mike and I were planning which bills to pay off with that money, but the feeling of joy when I was able to pay off the Bank of America, Lowes, Belk and BB&T credit cards (okay, so 3 of those were small amounts, but it still felt good!). Then on Thursday I got ANOTHER check for $1000.00 for the Pay for Results program in our district, which I completely wasn't expecting since I am not based at a school. So, of course, I ran out an bought a lottery ticket too, since I was feeling a little lucky. (That reminds me-need to check my tickets...) So, with all that money we got and have paid out, we still owe about $15,000. Most of that is Mike's used Suburban we bought a few months ago and some fees for adoption services. With that being our ONLY debt now (yippee), I hope we can pay all this down. Sorry for the rambling on about my finances, but with all we've paid for our first child and the cancer treatments I needed, putting out all this money AGAIN is overwhelming but I actually feel we have made a turn for the better. We are supported by friends and family and our hard work is paying off at the right time. Get my sister's karoke machine (yes she has one and it rocks!) and sing "Everything's coming up roses and butterflies." (And knock on wood.)
This week was busy-so busy I couldn't even return my friend Amanda's phone call. That is not a good week. Tuesday I got the first year's payment for achieving National Board certification!!!! $7, 200.00!!! You might think we are rolling in the money, but we just wanted to try to pay off as much of our debt as we could. I found out in November that I got the certification (I'm a National Board Certified Teacher of Exceptional Students Birth-age 21)-on the first try! I knew the money was coming, and Mike and I were planning which bills to pay off with that money, but the feeling of joy when I was able to pay off the Bank of America, Lowes, Belk and BB&T credit cards (okay, so 3 of those were small amounts, but it still felt good!). Then on Thursday I got ANOTHER check for $1000.00 for the Pay for Results program in our district, which I completely wasn't expecting since I am not based at a school. So, of course, I ran out an bought a lottery ticket too, since I was feeling a little lucky. (That reminds me-need to check my tickets...) So, with all that money we got and have paid out, we still owe about $15,000. Most of that is Mike's used Suburban we bought a few months ago and some fees for adoption services. With that being our ONLY debt now (yippee), I hope we can pay all this down. Sorry for the rambling on about my finances, but with all we've paid for our first child and the cancer treatments I needed, putting out all this money AGAIN is overwhelming but I actually feel we have made a turn for the better. We are supported by friends and family and our hard work is paying off at the right time. Get my sister's karoke machine (yes she has one and it rocks!) and sing "Everything's coming up roses and butterflies." (And knock on wood.)
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Adoption Funds!
Another thing that this "maybe we'll be parents in 4 short weeks" scare taught us is that we really need to work on the fundraising. We were VERY fortunate during the month of December that we were the recipient of a lot of money for the Green Blanket fund. Joy's son turned one and several people donated money to us instead of, or in addition to, a gift. That was Joy's request. $900.00!!! Our fund is up to $2400.00! Another thing we realized is I have 11 days of sick leave for FMLA, so leave without pay, so this money will help us pay the bills during my maternity leave. I kinda feel with $2400, I can stay home at least a month now without sweating it.
So I couldn't think of a good title....Friday we finally heard from the agency with the birthmom from Nevada that is due Feb 5. She didn't choose any of the 3 families submitted, but is going with someone else-whatever that means. So, I was a little bummed about that, even though I know that the baby that we are meant to have is out there, we just have to be patient and keep looking.
We were asked by another agency if we were interested in another birth mom, but there were many complexities that made me instantly feel uncomfortable, so we said no, thanks. At another agency, we see a situation where a birthmom is putting her 13 month old daughter up for adoption...I've asked for more information.
So, all this has made us re-rethink our money situation, figure our our "where's baby sleeping" situation, starting brainstorming names (we didn't really have to name Talia) and start thinking about the logistics of taking care of a teeny tiny baby. I've also decided that each time our family profile is not chosen, I will buy myself something small, like earrings. I need to decide on one item so it becomes a little game. I live for tiny rewards.
We were asked by another agency if we were interested in another birth mom, but there were many complexities that made me instantly feel uncomfortable, so we said no, thanks. At another agency, we see a situation where a birthmom is putting her 13 month old daughter up for adoption...I've asked for more information.
So, all this has made us re-rethink our money situation, figure our our "where's baby sleeping" situation, starting brainstorming names (we didn't really have to name Talia) and start thinking about the logistics of taking care of a teeny tiny baby. I've also decided that each time our family profile is not chosen, I will buy myself something small, like earrings. I need to decide on one item so it becomes a little game. I live for tiny rewards.
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