So a few weeks ago Leigh from our adoption agency called us and said that they were killing time during the slow adoption season and were talking to an agency in Florida that we didn't even know had a copy of our book. The director there said twice our book had been included in a group of profiles for a birthmom to view and twice they wouldn't even open the cover because "Mike looked mean." Now we haven't told that story to anyone that hasn't been shocked, but if that is the impression of some then we needed to change the picture. Below is the cover and family shot in the updated book. I changed a few more pictures, added two pages at the end of photo collage and brightened the backdrop. Fascinating stuff, huh. So will be printing it again and sending it to all our agencies.
House update-nothing to report. The world is potentially collapsing, financially. I am being (really!) patient about this. I think our house looks awesome. We're in a great location (for eeryone except us.) It is priced right....Blah blah blah. So we wait.
Saturday is another soccer game. Then Bella's free birthday party at Gymboree that her picture won at 4pm and Mike/Bella's birthday family birthday party at Catherine's at 6:30. We'll be grumpy and dead by then. Should be fun. Sunday is church and another birthday at 2pm.