Had a great time at Julie's house last night. Elizabeth is in town (in country?) from Spain and we celebrated her 60th birthday. I went to Swiftwater Beads yesterday after work and had the best time making her some earrings and a pendant. Julie told me she wore gold and I don't have any of that, so I HAD to go shopping. It was so much fun to sit there in the store and make the pieces, only buying what I needed. Good fun.
Oh, and the news I can't believe I have complained about before. The post office in its infinite wisdon has deleted Mike's day shift. So, he was thrown in a pool of everyone else who also lost their day shift and he is now to be working 2:30-11:00pm. He starts March 28. The countdown begins. 7 days until I am single mom. Again. But he can be awake to do night time feedings when the baby gets here!
So, off to make coffee and figure out what we are going to do today. Needs to involve some crafting at some point.