Sunday, August 30, 2009

Zoo Date

Some of you know that my biggest challenge with two kids (so far and right now) is bedtime. Talia LOVES her baby sister, but is struggling with the massive reduction of exclusive mom/Talia time. That manifests at bedtime. She may also be afraid Kate and I will do something that she will miss. Bedtime is a nightmare some days. It is also Kate's fussy time. Not colic fussy, but just your regular fussy. Talia switches back and forth from having a fit to her tummy is hurting so much she "is going to die!" The most recent behavior modification technique (remember I am a special educator...I have techniques) is to let her earn time with me by going and staying in bed. Each time she gets out to tell me about a phantom pain, she loses minutes. (Thanks, Fred Jones). This week was the first trial of the most recent attempt at control of the 5 year old. We were working towards time at the zoo. She earned 1 hr and 27 minutes. Much better than last week. She earned the full time on Thursday evening after the zoo, then has spent the weekend with the grandparents, so no idea what tonight will bring.

So, we get to the zoo, see the flamingoes and then....

Owen and Christian!!! This is the fallout after Ring around the Rosy (yes, that was random.)

They totally made the trip 50 times more fun.

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