Sunday, February 03, 2008

Life Update

So, nothing much on the adoption front so I'll just randomly talk about stuff. I did actually send in the adoption packet to our 4th agency today. It had a lot of really weird, random things they needed that I couldn't get around to doing until today. So.

Last week I went to see my oncologist. I've been going once a month again because my weight is going up and up. Its all the medicine I've been taking, plus the post-chemo body I have, plus the incredibly bad habits I've picked up since I was diagnosed. During all my treatments and new momness, I said "I have cancer, I can eat that." Bad move. 3 years after I've finished chemo and I am still eating like I'm dying tomorrow. Which I am not. Dr. Chrisitanson is not happy. I'm not happy. My pants that are gathering dust in the closet are not happy. So, finally I've joined Weight Watchers. I have tried to do this by myself (sorta) for over a year, so I've decided to take the path of public humiliation. Actually I had the meetings pictured like Biggest Loser-you arrive and weigh in front of everyone who will then clap or sigh. No. You weigh with the scale screen hidden from everyone including yourself. Then they write the secret number in your book. Where is the public humiliation I so crave? Actually I think I will be fine. I can have 25 points a day. Not excited about the blah tastes, but Lisa says I'll get use to that in a few weeks. Kinda hard after eating oil and fried things and grease and fat and sugar to have lots of that wiped out. Going out with the family tomorrow night. Gunna be exciting and get the salad bar. Boring, but I am 36 years old and at least 30 pounds overweight. Ridiculous. There is no reason why I can't beat this thing. What I do, I succeed. (This is my mantra.Bad girl. Just do it. Bad girl. Just do it.)

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