Sunday, October 12, 2008

So its all meant to be...

Yesterday we got an email from the adoption agency director saying the grandmother of the little girl happened to call the other family first and fell in love with them. We were a little bummed that she didn't give us a chance, but the focus is on the child and if she felt 100% that Adrianna would be perfect for them, then that is what we want, too. But I was still bummed, more poor me bummed than why not that child bummed. So I went to Handpicked and looked and absorbed the beauty of jewelry and then cruised Target for an hour and a half, racking up a nice buggy of stuff and a nice bill. I came home, put Talia to be and then hopped online. I jumped to the agency's website to see if there were any new birthmoms and I saw the blurb about the girl we wanted to adopt: The birth mother's father is suspected by his X of being maniac depressive but never been diagnosed. Grandmother also suspects prescription drug abuse (pain pills) during the pregnancy.
Interesting. Not part of the email we got. SO, wow, it is so much better to trust God and let what is meant to be happen! Hard, but better. So, again, things happen the way they are supposed to happen.


bpb said...

Wow,amazing that was on their website but not info that was sent to you. Meant to be, I wholeheartedly agree.

Joy said...

I admire your faith in all of this, C. God is working, that's for sure. Love you all! JFB :)