Monday, January 04, 2010

Day and a little rambling

Talia ate almost the entire mini bagel for breakfast...a container of yogurt and a few goldfish crackers for lunch and I shoved soup down her at dinner.  A friend at work has a protein shake that she gives her kid..supposed to taste better than Pedialyte.  She had a tremendous day at school, though!  Her teacher wrote an entire page of the great day she had.  Yay for that!  So, we traipse on.

Kate is 6 months old on Wednesday and we have her 6 month checkup on Thursday.  She learns so much everyday!  I have said it to a few people, but if we'd adopted Kate first, we would not have adopted Talia.  I was petrified of an infant.  I knew I did not want one.  I was devastated when we couldn't adopt internationally for the second child.  But, all things for a reason.  I LOVE the baby stuff!  I don't share night time feedings with Mike because I am stingy!  I love kissing her cheeks and rubbing noses.  Anyone that knows me is probably yacking because I am NOT this gushy normally.  But babies! MY baby.  Wow.  Love.  I also see what we missed with Talia and how remarkable she is without having the first 10 months with us.   Tonight I let her sleep in my arms even longer than normal because I didn't want to let her go.  Me.  These words are coming from me.  Again-if you know me-you are fainting from shock.

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