Thursday, January 07, 2010

Meds Update

So this week has been terrific! I met with a potential IEP team at Talia's school yesterday and had the PT, OT, speech and regular ed teacher there. She was too good to qualify for all, but the OT is weighing one section of tests more heavily than others so she can qualify for OT. The OT will serve her through a 504. I tried to call and get some community based OT to supplement the school therapy. The one place the school's OT recommends has a 25 kid waiting list. I'll try to call other places tomorrow! Anyway, the OT thinks with the lack of touch, nutrients, normal stimulation, etc. that Talia experienced in the orphanage is causing some sensory processing gliches, So, when she is anxious, everything goes in her mouth.
But the most important part of the meeting was her teacher saying that Talia is behaving perfectly! Its been amazing listening to her come home and tell me what she's done that day. 4 days=4 blue faces!

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