Sunday, January 06, 2008


So I couldn't think of a good title....Friday we finally heard from the agency with the birthmom from Nevada that is due Feb 5. She didn't choose any of the 3 families submitted, but is going with someone else-whatever that means. So, I was a little bummed about that, even though I know that the baby that we are meant to have is out there, we just have to be patient and keep looking.

We were asked by another agency if we were interested in another birth mom, but there were many complexities that made me instantly feel uncomfortable, so we said no, thanks. At another agency, we see a situation where a birthmom is putting her 13 month old daughter up for adoption...I've asked for more information.

So, all this has made us re-rethink our money situation, figure our our "where's baby sleeping" situation, starting brainstorming names (we didn't really have to name Talia) and start thinking about the logistics of taking care of a teeny tiny baby. I've also decided that each time our family profile is not chosen, I will buy myself something small, like earrings. I need to decide on one item so it becomes a little game. I live for tiny rewards.

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