Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Finally a good title-We're having a girl!

So I'm sitting at the salon getting my hair did and the adoption agency called! We're having a girl!  Baby mama had an ultrasound yesterday and its a girl! we'll actually get the sonogram next week (if all goes well).  Funny...the agency rep that called said that baby mama was a free spirit, hippie chick that was a member of Rainbow Coalition.  I instantly Googled it.  I got militant black folks following Jesse Jackson....Almost as quickly I got another email saying it was the Rainbow Family of Living Light.  Google that.  See what you get.  I believe LOOSELY many of their beliefs.  Love, peace, respect for the earth...Bet my baby mama has dreads!

So, we move in 2 weeks and 2 days.  Here's the saga, hopefully condensed.  We looked at the Cardinal house several weeks ago.  0.8 miles from Julie's house.  It was not as cool, not a big, not in the best location, but almost 20,000 cheaper.  We thought more and more about that and we made an offer and it was accepted readily.  So we do a home inspection (which I have to call a home study since adoptions) and there is a circuit breaker that is a potential fire hazard and an old, leaky, rusty water heater.  And other stuff, but we only requested the FIRE HAZARD and the almost dead water heater be replaced.  Meanwhile we find out the the true owner of the house was the older gentleman and his jerk-off plastic surgeon son.  So jerk man says, "We've already given you a lot.  The house is as is."  No he didn't! He did.  So, since Mike and I had already begun feeling a little weird about the house, we ran back to look at the house 2 doors down from Julie.  Instant rekindling of affection.  Perfect.  And the interest rates are so low, that the extra 20,000 is not much of a difference.  So, the jerk son in California first offered us a price reduction and a water heater.  We said no.  Then he added all the furniture we wanted and a painted by his mother.  We said no, again.  Then he threatens to sue us! So Friday afternoon we happily trot over to Vern's office with a contract.  We BARELY got it.  He was showing the house to another couple who put a backup offer on OUR house! But we got the house.  Moving in 2 weeks, 2 days.  Stress.  Yes.  Over the weekend, Mr. jerk son must have eaten some baked crow because he called back on Monday (oh, forgot to mention that he was so awful that the real estate agent QUIT be his rep!) ever so sweet and said he'd give us ANYTHING to get us in the house. Too bad.  So now we are moving money around, paying for the adoption early, and figuring, figuring, figuring.  Every night I go to bed dreaming of decoration and paint color!  Yippee!

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